The baby food manual: How to teach your baby to eat healthily

Ten key steps for young children to eat well and ensure full development and perfect health

Healthy Food for babies and toddlers.  It's never too early to help your child learn to enjoy healthy eating.

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How to introduce healthy food for babies? There is no more sincere love than love of food, according to Irish playwright Bernard Shaw (1856-1950). And a booklet launched by UNICEF, the United Nations arm for childhood, can help parents awaken that feeling in their children, without complications. There are ten recommendations for the feeding of children up to the age of two.

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What to do to Prevent Colic in Babies

Baby Colic Signs and Symptoms | Colic in babies: what is it? Colic is when a healthy baby cries or fusses frequently for a prolonged period of time. 

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Colic is still a mystery to pediatrics, although it is extremely common in the first trimester of babies’ lives. The biggest suspicion is that colic appears due to an immaturity of the baby’s digestive system, which causes disorderly peristaltic movements, but not all children suffer from colic and some foods seem to make the situation worse.

With the discomfort of colic, the baby can cry for hours, which despairs and distresses the parents. So, although there is no sure and certain solution to the problem, there are several measures that can be taken to prevent and relieve colic in babies.

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