Hair Care: Understand why hair gets prettier in pregnancy

During pregnancy, the hair grows, grows… and doesn’t fall off! Know what is behind this effect, which leaves the hair more voluminous and beautiful

Hair care during pregnancy
Hair care during pregnancy

Hair Care – Shiny, beautiful and voluminous hair is no advantage to those who have just left the salon. It is a kind of natural privilege for many pregnant women. The explanation is in the female hormones. During pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone increase in blood circulation and affect the hair follicles, causing a real revolution in hair behavior. The oiliness and the fall are diminished, since they are associated with the male hormones and these, in turn, suffer a reduction. Therefore, in this period, women tend to have healthier and more beautiful hair.

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How to avoid Stretch Marks, Spots and Varicose Veins in Pregnancy

Stretch marks, also called striae distensae or striae gravidarum, look like indented streaks in your skin. They may be red, purple, or silver in appearance. Stretch marks most often appear on the:


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What are stretch marks and why do they appear in pregnancy?

The appearance of stretch marks is one of the most common problems in pregnancy related to the skin. Pregnancy-related streaks are known in the medical world as ‘gravidarum striae’, and usually begin to appear through the second trimester of pregnancy, occurring mainly in the navel zone and spreading through the belly. It can also appear in the belly, thighs, upper arms and buttocks of pregnant women.

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