Tips for Flying with Your Child | How to Travel with Babies

How to Travel with Babies. Essential tips for making travel with a baby on a plane.

When the holidays approach, especially first-time parents and those who have just had a baby wonder what they should take into consideration to travel and enjoy quietly and smoothly. So, how to travel with babies?

Traveling only with a baby requires a little more care when choosing the destination, as well as transportation and travel time. All this is to avoid unpredictable situations or some discomfort.

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How to avoid Stretch Marks, Spots and Varicose Veins in Pregnancy

Stretch marks, also called striae distensae or striae gravidarum, look like indented streaks in your skin. They may be red, purple, or silver in appearance. Stretch marks most often appear on the:


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What are stretch marks and why do they appear in pregnancy?

The appearance of stretch marks is one of the most common problems in pregnancy related to the skin. Pregnancy-related streaks are known in the medical world as ‘gravidarum striae’, and usually begin to appear through the second trimester of pregnancy, occurring mainly in the navel zone and spreading through the belly. It can also appear in the belly, thighs, upper arms and buttocks of pregnant women.

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Breastfeeding – 4 Fundamental Questions You Need to know about

know The Benefits of Breastfeeding for Both Mother and Baby. 
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Breastfeeding is much more than nurturing a child. It is a process of deep interaction between mother and child. The nursing woman protects her baby from infections. Breastfeeding contributes to the cognitive and emotional development of the baby. Breastfeeding is one of the most important phases of the baby’s life and mothers should be attentive and seek to ask questions that may occur on a daily basis, even for mothers who have had children. Hygiene and health care, both mother and baby, should be observed either in feeding, in nipple care, hygiene, medications and many other factors that may concern mothers. The following are some recurring doubts, especially among mothers with their first child

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Postpartum Saggy Belly – How to Tighten Loose Skin After Pregnancy

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When a woman gives birth, a great transformation takes over her life. A transformation that has been prepared for 9 months, but which takes place in this very special moment. And in this moment when you worry about this new life that has just arrived in the world, it is quite common for some mothers to forget or try not to think about their own body recovery.

To have a flabby belly in the postpartum period is something quite common, but it bothers most women, even though they know that there are several other worries at that same moment.

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What to do to Prevent Colic in Babies

Baby Colic Signs and Symptoms | Colic in babies: what is it? Colic is when a healthy baby cries or fusses frequently for a prolonged period of time. 

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Colic is still a mystery to pediatrics, although it is extremely common in the first trimester of babies’ lives. The biggest suspicion is that colic appears due to an immaturity of the baby’s digestive system, which causes disorderly peristaltic movements, but not all children suffer from colic and some foods seem to make the situation worse.

With the discomfort of colic, the baby can cry for hours, which despairs and distresses the parents. So, although there is no sure and certain solution to the problem, there are several measures that can be taken to prevent and relieve colic in babies.

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13 Places You Must Visit with Your Children in the US

Travelling with children can be more difficult and expensive, and more detailed planning on the conditions of the destination place can raise concerns, especially with children under 5 years of age. Thus, we have chosen 13 destinations that can be cheaper to visit in various U.S. states and still provide an amazing experience for your children. The closer you live from these destinations, the cheaper your trip will come out.

The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California
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The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California

The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the main postcards of San Francisco, California. Built in the 1930s to connect Sausalito to the city of San Francisco it was considered the largest bridge in the world and today is one of the most photographed and visited attractions in the city. The cool thing is that you can make a crossing all over the bridge and still have a beautiful view of the city when you are in the part that is towards Sausalito. The Golden Gate has an extension of about 2 miles and a height of just over 200 metres. Guests can make the crossing by car, bicycle or on foot. For those who like to drive, for example, they say that the feeling of driving a car up there is amazing.

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How to Travel With Kids? Tips to travel anywhere

You’ve always liked trips, you want to explore the world, but you have kids. One more reason to get your foot on the road. Contrary to what some people think, traveling with kids is easier than one imagines


Of course, there are challenges on a trip with children, but difficulties exist on any trip. The most inspiring thing is to know that you will be sharing love and presenting your children with unforgettable knowledge and experiences.

Key challenges of travelling with children: The first challenge is to lose the fear of going to a strange place with your children, not knowing what you will find. It may seem a little terrifying, but it’s not.

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Best exercises to practice in pregnancy | Safe Pregnancy Workouts

Physical exercises promote muscle tone, strength and endurance, which will help the body carry the extra weight of pregnancy, prepare the woman for labor effort and will also collaborate to get the body back in shape after the baby is born

Exercise During Pregnancy: Safety, Benefits & Guidelines. Exercise during pregnancy is beneficial for both you and your baby. It is important to know what steps to take before you exercise during pregnancy.

Motherhood is always a special moment in a mother’s life, where various care is required. However, pregnancy cannot be synonymous with sedentary lifestyle, because physical exercise, accompanied by a professional during this period, can make a big difference during pregnancy.

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Is it safe to wear heels during pregnancy? Side Effects & Safety Tips

Check out what experts think about the accessory and what are the most recommended footwear for future moms

Is it safe to wear heels during pregnancy? Side Effects & Safety Tips
Although the accessory is, for many, symbol of elegance, professionals agree that high heels can negatively affect the woman's posture. When the mother's belly grows and the weight goes forward, there is a process of displacement of the center of gravity – which is in the navel region – causing a possible imbalance, which can be aggravated by the use of high heels.
Source: Shutterstock

Who said fashion and pregnancy don’t match has never seen the pictures of model Ashley Graham! The American is always fueling her social networks with fabulous images of stylish clothes that respect her pregnancy curves. In some of them, the future mom appears parading on top of shoes with thin heels and arouses doubts – and judgments. But, after all, can or can’t you wear high heels in pregnancy? Understand what experts think about it.

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How to Get Your Baby to Sleep: The sleep of the newborn baby and its two phases

How’s the baby’s rest? When do you sleep and how often do you wake up? The sleep of the little one seems a difficult issue, but it is not.

how to get to baby sleep? Find tips and advices  to helping him develop good sleep habits.
Source: iStockphotos

Baby sleep – One of the secrets to knowing your baby and also to help you reconcile sleep is by diving into your mysteries. Just as we adults have different ways of sleeping, babies also have their particularities, although there are common characteristics.

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